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Flexibility is an Important Trait when Interviewing for a Job

I was sitting around the campfire enjoying a very relaxing evening with friends when an interesting topic was discussed. It was most interesting because the majority of the campfire group were over 40 and business owners or managers. This group rarely talks business or politics when we are out enjoying camping, hiking and kayaking, so it was fun to learn a little about each of our views on Building A Great Business Team. The camper sitting next to me had just spent a great deal of time and effort to hire a new V.P. for his company and he knew I had over 30 years of CEO experience in a variety of industries, and he asked me what the most important personality trait I looked for when I was hiring. My answer: Flexibility.

Well it only took a few minutes for this topic to grow around the campfire with many business owners and managers expressing their thoughts as well as their recent experiences and efforts to Build A Great Team being discussed. Ultimately they all agreed that flexibility is key. We can teach someone with applicable experience to do the required tasks for a job, but teaching someone to be flexible is a challenge at best. And being flexible will result in much better overall team performance.

After a few minutes of business discussions we moved back to talking about our wonderful hike that day, and the beauty of the night sky.

If you have struggled to successfully Build A Great Team, call us 619-798-6774! Your first Coaching Session is Complimentary and you will learn a lot about the best practices when seeking New Hires.

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