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Business Owners ReFresh and ReCharge

In many respects, running a business is similar to parenting. As a parent, you are accountable for everything that benefits your children. Similarly, as a business owner, you bear that same responsibility for the overall success of your business and its employees.

Parent and a child on a bike ride
ReFresh and ReCharge

Both necessitate discovering methods to ReFresh and ReCharge, as much depends on you, making it essential to maintain high Vision and Motivation. Each of us is a unique individual, so what works for one person might not work for another. Here are a few strategies that have helped me ReNew my Focus and Energy as both a business owner and a parent:

Change of Scene ~ When my life as a mom became too busy and overwhelming, I would take my children on a short getaway. By "short," I truly mean it. Simply packing a picnic and heading to a park, an outdoor trail, a museum, or even the library for the day offered a fantastic break from our routine. More importantly, it gave me the chance to watch my children enjoy themselves in a new environment, and their excitement and joy recharged my energy, leaving me ReFueled! As a business owner, I experience a similar ReFueling by attending educational events with other business owners, volunteering on community development projects, or just having lunch with a fellow business owner. These activities provide me with a ReFreshed perspective on my business and my role as the owner.

Take a Walk Down Memory Lane ~ We each had various reasons for starting our own company, along with some shared ones. Take a few hours to disconnect from your phone and computer, and find a place where you can reflect on the motivation you had at the beginning. Reviewing any notes or documents from your initial business planning can help you recall your original purpose. Like many business owners, you may have achieved some milestones and still have unmet desires. Take this time to acknowledge that you do own your business! Celebrate the successes you've achieved! We often focus so much on what we still need to accomplish that we forget to congratulate ourselves on our achievements. You did it! You own your business. You have reached some of your goals! Give yourself a pat on the back and let this recharge you!

Utilize a Coach ~ Throughout my journey as both a parent and a business owner, there were moments when I felt uncertain about the direction I was taking. During these times, I turned to a Coach. As a parent, I consulted a family counselor who offered invaluable insight and support while guiding my two daughters through their teenage years. As a business owner, I engaged a business coach to gain a fresh perspective and ensure accountability for my choices. A coach is an excellent resource, so don't hesitate to seek one out.

Do not continue to run your business while you are drained, discouraged, depleted. Find the method or methods that work for you to ReFresh and ReCharge.

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