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Blog Writing Tips & Ideas

Whether you are new to writing blogs, or you're a seasoned blogger, the Tips & Ideas below will help you write more interesting, engaging, and SEO rich Blog Posts.

Women looking at a blog on her mobile phone
Blog Writing Tips

Know Your Target Audience

The most powerful way to engage your ideal target audience is to know them well, and write in a way that will relate to them. Your approach will be different for an ideal customer in their twenties vs. in their sixties OR if your ideal customer is a small business owner vs. a large corporate entity. Think like your ideal audience when you are writing.

Attention Grabbing Title/Headline

It is natural to choose a topic and give it a title and then write the blog article. After you are complete with the article, read it again and be sure your title is as powerful and attention grabbing as possible.

Blog Topics

Writing blog posts may seem like a daunting task, especially if you have not done much writing in the past. The purpose of the blog is to provide another way for you to relate to and engage with your site visitors, so think about what you would say to them if they were standing at the counter of your store or sitting across the desk from you in your office. Thinking about the questions they might ask and how you would answer will give you good ideas for Blog Topics. Start a list of possible blog topics and when you think of a blog idea add it to the list.

You don't always have to start from scratch! It can be as quick as 5 - 10 minutes to reference a news article or blog post you read (from a non-competitor of course!) that is related to your business offerings and add the link to that article. Write a quick introduction about why you found it interesting or valuable, add a picture. Done! *Be sure to read the last topic in this list about Copyright Laws so you correctly reference the article.

Very Clear Call to Action

Not all blog posts need to have a call to action, but some should. A Call To Action is asking the reader to fill out a contact form or call you. Be sure it is clear what the purpose of the request is.

Blog Elements that will encourage the reader continue to read the whole post:

  • Shorter Paragraphs

  • Subheadings

  • Quote Paragraphs

  • Bullet Point Lists


The old adage that a picture tells a thousand words is especially true for blogging. So use at least one picture, and multiple if it is appropriate for the topic. The featured picture will often be the reason the viewer opens the article to read it.

SEO Optimization:

Get to know the Tool Bar located on the left side of the Blog writing window. Completing the items on the Left Side of the Blog post screen is very important. As examples, In Settings you can do things like: choose what image you want displayed as the primary image, write an excerpt for your blog post that will be used as your primary post introduction text and for search result listings; you can add tags that are powerful for SEO search results, etc.

Here is a link with important info from Wix on how to create Blog Post SEO Optimization: WiX Blog Post SEO Optimization Article

Blog Post Length

According to current SEO best practices, the ideal blog post length for 2024 is generally considered to be between 1,500 and 2,500 words, with some experts suggesting a sweet spot around 2,450 words. 

When the intention of your blog article is to engage the reader to connect to your business and purchase your product or service, we recommend you stay between 500 - 1500 words which makes it a two to five minute read. That being said, the most important part is delivering a powerful/engaging message, so don’t worry about word count for all articles. Keep it authentic and informative and it will be fine if some are shorter and some are longer.



Copyright Laws govern the Rights to Use text, images, graphic design elements, logos, and videos. Not following these Best Practices can put you in non-compliance of Copyright Laws.

Having the Right To Use means:

  1. You Wrote the text; Took the picture; Created the Graphic Design Element or Logo; Created the Video

  2. You Acquired the picture, video, or graphic design elements from a company/website that gives you the right to use it Commercially

  3. You have in writing the right to use permission for the text/picture/graphic design element or logo/video in writing from the company or client that owns it

  4. For the pictures or videos you took/created include people, it is Best practice to have a signed release from the people to use it for Commercial use

  5. If you reference an article on another website be sure to clearly state the reference

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