Yes! Pay per Click advertising is one path to push for growth of your online traffic and sales results.
Before you spend that budget, be sure you are consistently covering the foundational aspects of digital marketing.
Inspect yourself, you should pass the following marketing basics tests before you pay-per-click:
Brand, Brand, Brand!
In real estate, the saying goes "location, location, location!" In marketing it is Brand! Brand! Brand! When you look at your website; your social media platforms; your email marketing campaigns; your business cards and brochures; etc... Do you see a consistent presentation of Your Brand?
SEO strong Website
The DIY website world has allowed businesses to create their own websites, and they work on it until they are happy with the design and content. In most cases however, they did not have the time or expertise to complete the most important aspect of a powerful website presence... SEO (search engine optimization). If your analytics are not revealing a growth in new site visitor traffic, the likely cause is a weak website SEO implementation.
Present Your Expertise in Your Market
You have a powerful Brand that is consistently used, and your website analytics show your site SEO is working well. Now that you are getting new site visitor traffic are you strongly presenting what makes You the best choice in Your Market. What makes you the better choice? Don't Sell a Mattress! Sell a Great Night Sleep!
Fresh Content across All channels
Our primary goal of our Monthly Marketing Plans for our clients is to be sure we are curating and presenting fresh and timely content across their business marketing channels. We create a plan that is specific to the offerings of the business and especially geared to engage their ideal target audience. The foundation of each plan involves researching their industry and their target audience and creating current trends/news content.
Consistent "touches" via email and social media marketing
When you send an email or post on social media, that is called a "touch". Finding the right balance in the frequency of touches is an important consideration. Ideally you want to email or post enough to remind your target audience of the products/services you provide, but not so frequently that they unsubscribe/unfollow you. Each business type and industry will have a different frequency thresh-hold. And a thresh-hold can change based on current local, national, and world events. We keep a close eye on frequency for our Monthly Marketing Plan clients. As one example, if our client does not provide retail or related services, we reduce frequency during the overwhelming volume of marketing distributions during the holidays.
Create & maintain Citations
An easy way to improve your website SEO and online presence is to ensure that your business is listed on various related online business directories. These are known as/referenced as CITATIONS. This easy way to garner new exposure for your business through online directories to build your citations are also often free!
If you have been able to say Yep I Got It Covered to the above, then your business may be ready to invest in pay-per-click ads.
If you are like many business owners, you might find it challenging to find the time to learn about and consistently implement these marketing steps. Our monthly marketing plans are created specific to your business offerings and your target audience. Our marketing strategies Make Your Phone Ring! We don't cost you money, We Make You Money!
Give us a call if you are seeking support in marketing your business.
Let's Talk! 619-798-6774
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